Chicago Truck Accident Attorneys

Skilled Representation for Victims of Commercial Trucking Accidents in Illinois
Each day, thousands of semi-trucks roll through Illinois, delivering merchandise before heading off to other destinations. Many of these trucks weigh in excess of 80,000 pounds fully loaded. When there is a mishap, all that weight moving at high speeds can become a deadly combination. Accidents involving trucks are far more complex than other types of motor vehicle accidents, however. For this reason, if you or a loved one has been injured or killed in a trucking accident, you need skilled legal guidance from attorneys with in-depth knowledge of this area of the law.
For nearly two decades, Winters Salzetta O'Brien & Richardson, LLC has successfully represented victims of truck accidents in Chicago, throughout Illinois, and across the country. One of our attorneys lost his father in a trucking accident, so these types of cases are personal to us. We know first-hand the toll an accident like this can take on a family, and our mission is to ensure that drivers who are careless and reckless are held fully accountable, so others will not have to go through this type of suffering. We are skilled litigators inside the courtroom and strong negotiators out of court, and we fight hard for the compensation you deserve.
Common Causes of Truck Accidents
Trucking companies and their drivers are highly regulated by government agencies to ensure their safety and those they share the roads with. However, due to frequent pressure to deliver their loads on time, many decide to cut corners, putting themselves and others at risk. Some of the reasons trucking accidents occur include:
- Speeding;
- Driving while intoxicated (by alcohol or drugs);
- Distracted driving;
- Driver fatigue (often due to lack of sleep);
- Overloaded or unevenly loaded trucks;
- Loads that are inadequately secured;
- Mechanical failure; and
- Driving in unsafe weather conditions.
Who is Responsible for a Truck Accident?
Determining fault in a trucking accident can be a challenge. There are numerous parties that could share the blame, including:
- The driver of the truck;
- The truck owner;
- The truck leasing company;
- The vehicle part(s) manufacturer; and
- The party loading the truck (in cases of overloading or uneven loads).
To be successful in holding the responsible party (or parties) accountable, it is important to move quickly to gather every piece of evidence that is relevant to the case. It is also important to know what to look for and how to recover evidence even when the other parties are uncooperative. At Winters Salzetta O'Brien & Richardson, LLC, we are experienced and aggressive advocates for each client we serve. If you or someone close to you has been injured in a truck accident, we are here to help. We keep extended evening and weekend hours, and we can travel to your home, office, hospital, or wherever is most convenient to discuss your case. To schedule a free consultation with one of our attorneys, contact our office today at 312-236-6324.
From our offices in Chicago, we provide skilled counsel and representation for victims of truck accidents in Cook County, Will County, Kane County, DuPage County, McHenry County, Springfield, the Quad Cities, and communities throughout Illinois and across the country.