How Can Meconium Aspiration Syndrome Affect a Newborn Infant?
There are multiple ways that birth injuries can cause harm to both children and mothers. While some injuries are unavoidable, others occur due to medical malpractice. Meconium aspiration syndrome is one issue that can cause serious injuries to children, and if it is not addressed correctly, it can lead to ongoing health concerns or permanent disabilities. Parents of children who have been harmed by meconium aspiration will need to work with an attorney to determine how they can recover financial compensation for the harm done to their child and their family.
Effects of Meconium Aspiration Syndrome
The first stool that a child passes after being born consists of meconium, a thick, tar-like substance. In some cases, a child may pass meconium before being born, and it may become mixed in with the amniotic fluid in the mother’s uterus. This may occur because the child experiences fetal distress due to the use of Pitocin to induce labor, prolonged labor, or difficulty passing through the birth canal.
During the process of delivery, the child may breathe meconium into their lungs. Because meconium is so thick, it can coat the surface of the lungs, leading to difficulty breathing and processing oxygen. A lack of oxygen can result in multiple types of health issues, including brain damage that may lead to developmental disorders such as cerebral palsy.
During labor and delivery, doctors, nurses, or other medical personnel should be aware of the signs of meconium aspiration syndrome, and they should respond promptly to this issue to prevent the child from suffering harm. Signs of meconium aspiration may include the presence of meconium in the amniotic fluid, a slowed heart rate for the child, a limpness in the child’s body or a bluish tint to their skin that may indicate a lack of oxygen, abnormal breathing sounds, or tests that show a decreased level of oxygen in the child’s blood.
If a child experiences meconium aspiration syndrome, immediate treatment should be provided. This may include suctioning the fluid from the child’s windpipe, administering oxygen or using a ventilator to keep the child’s lungs inflated, using a warmer to help maintain the child’s body temperature, and administering antibiotics to fight potential infections.
Contact Our Chicago Birth Injury Attorneys
If your child suffered injuries during birth due to meconium aspiration or other issues, the attorneys of Winters Salzetta O’Brien & Richardson, LLC can help you take legal action to recover compensation. We will work with you to gather evidence showing that your child’s injury was caused by medical negligence, and we will fight to make sure you receive the financial compensation you need and deserve. Contact our Chicago, IL birth injury lawyers at 312-236-6324 to set up a free consultation.