When Can I Sue for Medical Malpractice if My Baby Was Stillborn?
The United States is a world leader in medical research and best practices. Unfortunately, even with such an elevated level of healthcare, medical professionals sometimes fail to serve their patients with the highest standard of care, with tragic consequences.
Medical negligence can turn giving birth from one of the most memorable, intimate times in a parent’s life into a nightmare scenario. Even when they are not fatal, birth injuries can have a devastating long-term effect on a family’s emotions and finances. If you suspect you were the victim of medical malpractice during childbirth, an experienced Illinois medical malpractice attorney may be able to help.
Common Types of Birth Injuries
Birth injuries can occur before, during, and after delivering an infant, and although they most commonly affect the child, the mother can suffer serious harm as well. Common birth injuries include, but are not limited to:
Infection - Infants are at an elevated risk from infection and disease, and medical staff must take proper precautions to protect children from exposure. Improper hygiene, failure to recognize and treat infection, and accidental exposure to pathogens can cause complications in infants that may be life-threatening.
Broken bones and fractures - During delivery, doctors sometimes fail to properly monitor an infant’s position in the womb or use improper force when helping the child come out. This can lead to broken and fractured bones, the most common of which include collarbone, arm, leg, and skull damage. Brain damage and serious bleeding, including internal bleeding, can result from medical mistakes during delivery.
Hypoxia - Infants who cannot get enough oxygen during delivery can suffer organ failure and even brain damage. Medical staff can prevent hypoxia by appropriately monitoring the baby’s heart rate, umbilical cord position, and issues with the placenta.
Cerebral palsy - Cerebral palsy is a permanent brain condition that limits a person’s ability to maintain balance and posture. Children who suffer from cerebral palsy as a result of medical negligence during childbirth may display a wide range of motor issues, ranging from a mild difficulty when walking to the inability to walk at all.
Brachial plexus damage - Brachial plexus nerves are located in the shoulder and transmit movement and sensory signals from the shoulders to the brain. Injuries to the brachial plexus can cause pain, weakness, and numbness in a person’s arms and hands, and such injuries often occur when an infant’s neck suffers a traumatic injury during childbirth.
Meet with a Chicago, IL Birth Injuries Attorney
Injuries resulting from improper medical attention or mistakes during delivery can have devastating consequences for an infant. Parents of children who have been hurt or killed by substandard medical practices may be able to seek compensation from responsible parties. Schedule a free initial consultation with one of our experienced Cook County medical malpractice lawyers and learn more about your options. Call us today at 312-236-6324.