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Medical Negligence Involving Failure to Address Vascular Complications

 Posted on January 31, 2019 in Medical Malpractice

Chicago medical malpractice lawyer orthopedic procedure errorPeople in the United States who receive medical treatment expect their doctors to provide high-quality care that properly addresses their concerns, including any complications that arise from treatment. Unfortunately, medical errors often occur, and these can lead to serious injuries. Orthopedic procedures are one area of medicine in which medical professionals must take extra care, and when doctors fail to address vascular complications following these procedures, patients may suffer a great deal of harm.

Common Vascular Issues in Orthopedic Procedures

Orthopedic procedures involve surgeries or treatments to the musculoskeletal system, including the bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Some common procedures include treatment of joints with an arthroscope (arthroscopy), joint replacement (arthroplasty), correction of deformed bones (osteotomy), repair of bone fractures, treatment of herniated disks in the spine, and repair of torn tendons or ligaments.

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The Benefits of Medical Marijuana for Injuries With Chronic Pain

 Posted on January 23, 2019 in Personal Injury

Lake County personal injury attorney medical marijuanaA personal injury can have a wide variety of long-term effects on a person’s health and well-being, and one of the most serious issues victims may experience is chronic pain. Severe injuries involving brain trauma, damage to the spine, nerve damage, amputation, or other debilitating conditions can lead to long-lasting problems as victims struggle to deal with a high level of pain that greatly affects their lives, their comfort, and their ability to work and earn an income. However, many have found that medical marijuana provides a solution that allows them to manage this pain as they work to return to normalcy.

Benefits of Using Medicinal Marijuana

Many people are hesitant to consider marijuana as a medical solution because of its perception as a recreational drug. The federal government in the United States classifies marijuana as a Schedule I drug, which signifies that it has a high potential for abuse and little medical value. However, research in recent years has found that marijuana has a wide variety of medical benefits, and this has led to it being legalized for medicinal use in more than half of the states in the U.S., including Illinois. An increasing number of states have legalized marijuana for recreational use as well.

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Avoiding Dangerous Motorcycle Accidents in the Winter

 Posted on January 18, 2019 in Motorcycle Accidents

Cook County motorcycle accident attorney winterMotorcyclists face serious risks whenever they use the road, since they are much more likely to be seriously injured in a motorcycle accident than the drivers or passengers of other vehicles. These risks increase substantially during the winter, since cold-weather conditions not only make motorcycles and other vehicles more difficult to control, but visibility is also often limited, increasing the chances that drivers will fail to see motorcycles and be unable to avoid a collision. 

Winter Motorcycle Safety Tips

While it is often impossible to avoid a collision caused by a negligent driver, motorcyclists can take some precautions that will increase their safety on the road:

  • Use the proper equipment - No matter the time of year, wearing a helmet can help avoid serious brain injuries in a crash. During the winter, a helmet with full-face protection ensures that you will have full visibility, even when snow is falling and strong winds are blowing. Wearing warm clothing, including heavy-duty boots, pants, jacket, and gloves, can provide additional protection against cold temperatures.

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Bicyclists Can Suffer Serious Injuries in a Collision or Accident

 Posted on January 10, 2019 in Personal Injury

Lake County bike accident injury lawyerBicycles provide a great way to get exercise and enjoy the outdoors while traveling from place to place, and they can help you save money on energy and transportation costs. However, these benefits also come with some serious risks, especially in cities such as Chicago, where large amounts of traffic and narrow streets can put bicyclists in danger of being injured in a collision. When riding, you should be aware of the potential injuries that can occur in a bicycle accident and the steps to take if you are injured. It is important to contact an attorney after an injury to determine your options for pursuing compensation from the negligent parties.

Common Bike Accident Injuries

  • Head injuries - A helmet can provide essential protection in the case of a crash, but even when wearing a helmet, you may experience a concussion or traumatic brain injury. If you lose consciousness, experience severe headaches or confusion, or have vision problems, you should seek immediate medical attention.

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Sexual Abuse By Catholic Priests Has Been Underreported in Illinois

 Posted on December 31, 2018 in Personal Injury

Chicago sex abuse lawyer Catholic churchThere have been few news stories in recent decades that have been as shocking and troubling as the revelation that people across the United States have been the victims of sexual abuse by priests and clergy in the Catholic church. While any instance of abuse by someone who was in a position of trust is horrifying, these cases have been especially sickening due to the efforts of the Catholic church to cover up the crimes and protect the abusers rather than the victims. Those who have been harmed by this type of abuse and the negligent actions of the church should take steps to determine their options for pursuing compensation from those who were responsible.

New Report on Clergy Sexual Abuse from Illinois Attorney General

In December 2018, Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan released a report detailing the preliminary findings of an investigation into sex abuse by Catholic priests in the state. While church officials from the Archdiocese of Chicago and the other five dioceses in Illinois have stated that they have put measures in place to address the issue, the report makes it clear that instances of abuse have been widely underreported.

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Reports Show That Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder Contains Asbestos

 Posted on December 24, 2018 in Dangerous Products

DuPage County product liability attorney baby powderIn the United States, we expect the products we use to be safe, but unfortunately, large corporations often put profits ahead of public safety, and unsafe or dangerous products are put on the market as a result. When people are injured by the negligence of product manufacturers, they deserve to be compensated for their damages. In some cases, injuries may even be caused by trusted brands that many people have relied on for decades. This was illustrated recently by reports that Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder has been found to contain asbestos.

J&J Knew That Baby Powder Danger Existed for Decades

Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder has been a popular product for over 100 years. However, when the talc used in this product is mined from various sources around the world, it can become contaminated by tremolite, a naturally-occurring form of asbestos. While J&J has claimed that its Baby Powder is safe to use and does not contain dangerous amounts of asbestos, recently-uncovered reports have shown that the company was aware that their products were contaminated and took steps to conceal this information from the public.

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Toxic Chemicals Continue to Put People in the Willowbrook Area at Risk

 Posted on December 14, 2018 in Personal Injury

Willowbrook ethylene oxide injury attorneyIn recent months, residents of the Chicago suburbs have learned of a serious risk to the health of those who live and work in Willowbrook, Burr Ridge, and surrounding communities. A plant operated by Sterigenics International was found to be releasing dangerous amounts of ethylene oxide, a carcinogenic chemical, into the air, putting those who live and work in the area at risk of harm. Those who have been exposed to toxic substances should contact a personal injury attorney to determine their options for pursuing compensation for their injuries.

Testing Shows Continued Risk of Toxic Chemical Exposure

After the original report which raised the alarm of ethylene oxide exposure was released in August 2018, Sterigenics stated that in July 2018, they had put new measures in place in their plant to reduce ethylene oxide emissions. While this did not address the harm caused to people in the community during the decades the facility has been in operation, it was meant to ensure that the plant would not present a public safety risk going forward. However, recent tests have indicated that risks of toxic chemical exposure continue to exist near the facility.

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Recovering Compensation for Injuries Caused By Chicago Police Chases

 Posted on December 07, 2018 in Car Accidents

Illinois police chase accident attorneyThe exciting high-speed police chases depicted in movies and TV shows may seem like a necessary risk that police officers must take in order to capture dangerous criminals. However, in reality, police chases often cause a great deal of harm to the public, and in many cases, they lead to dangerous car accidents in which innocent bystanders are seriously injured or even killed. If you or a member of your family have been injured in a collision caused by the negligence of a police officer, an experienced personal injury attorney can help you understand your options for pursuing compensation.

Police Chase Accident Statistics

A study conducted in 2015 by USA Today analyzed data reported by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and found that between 1979 and 2013, at least 5,066 bystanders or passengers were killed in police chases. During this period, 6,301 suspects and 139 police officers were also killed during pursuits. However, the actual number of fatalities is likely higher, since the NHTSA’s data is based on police reports, which sometimes do not disclose whether a motor vehicle collision occurred during a police chase.

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Surgical Errors Are Alarmingly Common in the United States

 Posted on November 30, 2018 in Medical Malpractice

Cook County surgical error injury lawyerIn the United States, we have some of the best doctors and healthcare facilities in the world, and we expect to receive quality medical care when we need it. We place a great deal of trust in medical professionals, but unfortunately, these people are only human, and mistakes are often made that can lead to serious injuries, drastically affecting a person’s quality of life and a family’s finances.

While medical malpractice can take a variety of forms, surgical errors are one type of medical negligence that can be especially devastating. These errors are much more common than one would expect; in fact, studies have found that more than 4,000 preventable mistakes occur every year during surgical procedures across the U.S. 60% of these errors cause temporary injuries, 33% cause permanent harm, and nearly 7% of cases lead to the death of a patient.

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Falls Are the Leading Cause of Death in Construction Accidents

 Posted on November 19, 2018 in Workplace Injuries

Will County construction accident attorneyEveryone expects and deserves to be safe while they are at work. Unfortunately, some occupations are more dangerous than others, and many workers accept some level of risk as part of their day to day job. Those who work in the construction industry are particularly in danger of being injured while on the job, with fall injuries being especially common and dangerous. Workers should be aware of the risks of construction site accidents and the steps they should take after being injured to ensure they receive the proper financial compensation.

Construction Site Fall Injury Prevention

Falls at construction sites often result in serious and fatal injuries for workers, and many of these accidents are preventable. According to data provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), falls accounted for 370 of 991 total construction accident deaths in 2016. These include falls from a roof, to a lower level, from a vehicle or construction equipment, or from ladders or scaffolding

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